
Monday, February 20, 2012

CHD Journey part 1

I had this lenghty post ready last week and then hit the wrong button. It was DELETED!
 I'm done crying about it now, so I'll start again!

So last week was National CHD (Congenital Heart Defect)  Awareness week.
February 7-14, 2012
CHD Awareness Week 2012 (Official)
1 in 100 babies are born with a Heart Defect. That number is unbelievable. Even though it is the most common birth defect the money spent for research and support is small. That is why CHD families are trying to educate others and help get more funding for research. We want every baby to be born healthy and happy!

There are so many Heart Heroes and we see MIRACLES everyday. Life is never the same after you get the diagnosis. I am so grateful for the love and support we were given when we found out our baby had a CHD. I only hope I can be their for someone else when they need help.

Because of this, I thought I'd share our CHD Journey.......

I found out I was pregnant after a trip to the Instacare, I was dizzy and my arm felt like it was on fire...weird.
 I had been trying to get pregnant for 6 years with lots of complications...a story worthy of its own post!

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I had thrown in the towel when it came to having another baby. I  had just started a new job and was moving on with my life when BAM...........PREGNANT!

So after the shock wore off, the planning began.
We had gotten rid of all baby things except for the crib- of course. I was getting so excited and also worried. I just had a nagging feeling something wasn't right.
Past experiences kept me from being blissfully happy.

 Soon we found out that we were having a BOY!  My Doctor said he looked great and to stop worrying.

 Then after the orange drink of death I found out I had Gestational Diabetes. I cried for a day and then set about changing my diet and taking better care of myself.

That nagging feeling never let up. I prepared myself as best I could for whatever came our way. I had waited so long for this baby. I didn't care if it was "special" I wanted it no matter what.

The summer was filled with Weddings. My niece and My sister got married.
Jesse feeling the baby kick. - Sister's wedding July 2009
   Here are the pics for your viewing pleasure!
Niece's wedding - August 2009
I was scared this delivery would be like my last. Almost delivering on the way to the hospital and then having a 10 lb 1 oz. Baby boy with no drugs. Yes, It was the most pain I have ever been in. and Yes he was worth it! ;)

When the day came to be induced, every pregnant woman in the valley went into labor sooooo...they sent me home. The next day I went back and they took pity on me and let me stay.
Lets get this show on the road. woohoo!

Jaxson was born weighing 8 lbs 2 oz. with tons of gorgeous red hair. I have never felt so much relief & love when I could hold him and have the doctor say he was perfect. 

I had to stay at the hospital for a couple days to make sure the diabetes was going away. On our last day I woke up from a nap to find Jaxson wasn't in the room. I paged the nurse and she took me to the nursery. Jaxson had started breathing rapidly and they thought he may have fluid in his lungs from the delivery. I sat and rubbed his little tummy until they said he was breathing normal.

going HOME!

His brother and sister were so excited for him to come home. We were just getting back into the routine of a new baby... ya know- no sleep,diapers and carrying a baby around.  Jaxson was the best baby ever!!! he hardly cried, just a little squeak for a minute and then he would go back to sleep. Which should have been great but he did other things as well that were odd to me. Sometimes he would breath a little fast and his feet were always cold. We made sure he was always wrapped good and tight to keep him warm and he was never left alone, even when he was sleeping.

It had been awhile since I had a little one so I started asking my friends with babies if this was normal. They all said yes and to enjoy my perfect baby.
Jaxson * 10 Days old

When Jaxson was 10 days old I decided to take him in, I couldn't get past the feeling that something was not right. I made an appt for the following tuesday. When I took Jaxson in, I was praying they would say he was fine. At the doctors I started to tell her of all my concerns the first couple she said were normal:

Me- He's not eating very long then falling asleep.
Doctor-that's normal for some babies.
Me - He doesn't cry that much?
Doctor- Lucky you!! (wink)
Me - His feet are cold and he doesn't like us to touch them
                                            Doctor - Oh, Let's take a listen -she placed her stethoscope on his chest and listened.................................................and listened............................................................
................................................ fear is starting to take hold of me at this point............................................. .....................................................................................................................................................................
Then she called the nurse in and says "I can hear a heart murmur. I want you to go and get an X-ray while I call upstairs to the cardiologist to make an appt. for Jaxson."
(She didn't want me to go home and worry so she made the appt for the same day.)
The nurse came with me and when we got on the elevator, silent tears started to flow. There were 3 other ladies on the elevator and they asked if I was OK. I told them I was having a bad day. They were sweet and said they hoped my day would get better. I wished they were right....

The  radiologist was on the first floor. We were taken right back to the lab and I undressed Jaxson. The nurse held him on a seat that looked like a tiny bicycle seat, to take the X-ray. I couldn't believe how small he looked or how blue his legs were. He started to cry and I could see his chest move in and out. It was not normal.

Soon we were headed back upstairs to wait for the X-ray. I called my husband and told him to come right away. Then the doctor came in and said Jaxson's heart was enlarged and we needed to go to
 Primary Children's Hospital right away...........................................

Yes, the tears have already started to flow. No matter how many times I have shared this story it is always so hard to relieve some of my darkest hours. This is why I have decided to break it up a little-
 I need to catch my breath and hold my little guy, just for awhile. I'll be back to share more later.

Thanks for sticking around. I know the story is long ;)

                                                                           ♥ Rhi


  1. That all sounds very familiar! Tanner is my first and only so far and my pregnancy was completely normal other than my morning sickness lasting the first 6 months. ick.
    My labor was normal and he was (supposedly) a healthy little boy!
    The day we were going to be discharged to go home from the hospital was when his pediatrician found his CHD and sent us to Primary's right away. While we were there, they found 3 additional things that were not right with his heart and we were sent to Los Angeles for his sugery at 7 days old.
    Anyway! Just so this post isn't too long, here is his blog that I documented the entire thing:

  2. Hi Ali, I looked at your blog. It was so nice to hear familiar words and know that someone else out there knows how I feel. I'm glad Tanner is doing so good. I wish I had been in the right mind to document it when it happened. Thanks for the inspiration to continue.

    Have a Great Day!
