
Monday, January 30, 2012


I LOVE Pottery Barn!  Everything they make is Gorgeous!
If I had LOTS of money I would probably furnish my entire house Pottery Barn style....

Like this Fabulous table can go in my kitchen.
 I'm swooning over round and Square tables latley, aren't you??
can I have the rug too? ;)
Tivoli Extending Pedestal Dining Table - Tuscan Chestnut stain
Pottery Barn

                                                                 What boy wouldn't want this room???

And then Home Decor ..My heart went pitter patter! Ok not really, but I really Love this sign
But at $99.00 + shipping...... ouch, not in my budget :(

Love Wall Art
Soooo you know me I made my own with help from the Hubby!!

I started with these letters I found at Hobby Lobby
1.99 each at 30% off!

then I went to Home Depot and picked out some trim.

I love this trim. It was $1.44 a ft. I needed a little over 9 ft.
but then I ran across this Door kit!

It came with 16 ft of trim plus 2 bullseyes and
 cute bottom of the door thingies-thats what they are called, right??

So I had a 6+ ft of trim plus the bullseyes and cute bottoms left for another project..score!

My Hubby helped me cut out the board,trim and some squares for the corners.

then we glued and clamped the trim on and let it dry.

Next I glued on the letters and caulked the seams.

Then paint! Good ol' can of white spray paint and there you have it!!

Besides taking forever to dry in cold weather.. it's Perfect!!

Mine measures 18 1/2" x 43 1/2"....... I LOVE IT!!!

Cost breakdown:
Board- had @ home
Letters- Hobby Lobby  $5.94
Trim- Home Depo $20.25
Glue- had @ home
White spray paint - had @ home
Total.......$26.19  TAA-DAA!

Not to shabby. Even if you had to buy everything, it's still a LOT cheaper.

I'm going to put it in my "New" bedroom!! So excited to have some art in there!

I haven't decided if I want to antique it or not??

What would you do?


  1. Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous--and the best part is that it was only a fraction of the PB price. What will you think of next? I know of no one better than you at looking at a project and figuring out how to improve on it and make it work with little $. I won't be surprised to see pictures of Bob in your driveway crafting together your round PB-style table within a week or so...

    1. Thanks! It was pretty fun and Cheap! Just my style ;)!
